Our Services
Behavioral Therapy
Treatment modalities for mental health illnesses are grouped together under the phrase "behavioral therapy." Anything we do or say comes in our behavior and it is observable. This type of treatment seeks to pinpoint problematic or potentially self-destructive habits and offers assistance in changing them.

What is Behavioral Therapy
Most children’s parents have some experience with behavioral techniques. The foundation of many common child-rearing techniques is behavior theory. The practices of rewarding desired conduct and punishing or ignoring negative behavior—such as offering stickers for great behavior, imposing timeouts as a consequence for bad behavior, and ignoring a tantrum you think is a scream for attention—all stem from the idea that you can shape behavior.
Behavioral therapy typically entail closely monitoring present behaviors and then focusing on particular ones to modify. In addition to continuously gathering data on success and failure, therapists use a variety of approaches to improve good behavior and decrease bad conduct. In this manner, it is evident if the youngster is improving. The therapists can modify their strategy if not.
The following are a few of the abilities that Behavioral therapy may target:
- An extensive program that emphasizes language, imitation, pretend play, social interaction, physical skills, and adaptive conduct.
- Sensitivity to the order in which talents develop (i.e., through stacking).
- Methods for changing behavior that interfere with others.
- Parental engagement
gradual change to settings that are more realistic. - Extremely skilled personnel.
- Control and evaluation systems.
- Treatment administered in an intense manner